Margill prefers a date format that contains 4 digits for the year. This is especially important for calculations that may (if these still are out there!) predate the year 2000.

How to change the Windows Short date format:

Windows 10 gives you various ways to change the short date format (Control Panel or Settings)

1) With Control Panel

Type a few letters of the word “Control Panel” in Cortana (bottom left):

Go to Clock and Region and click on “Change date, time or number formats”

Then change your Short date format to the format you want that contains yyyy, MM and dd. You decide on the order these appear in. If none of the choices match, click on “Additional settings” on the bottom right in this window.

You can then type in the missing year digits (y – total 4), month digits (M – total 2)  or day digits (d – total 2)

2) You can also use the Windows key  on your keyboard and X and go to “Settings”:

Click on Time & Language

Find “Related Settings” and click on “Date, time & regional formatting”

Click on “Additional date, time & regional settings”

Click on  “Change date, time or number formats”

Now see the instruction in 1) above to enter the proper “Short date format”.