Margill Loan Manager – Release notes
Version 5.6. – Released November 24, 2024
(Version 5.6.241124.1)
What’s new:
- Interest rate tables:
- Users prohibited from changing rates older than x days from the current date if the “Users cannot edit transactions older than x days…” option is activated for these users (System Settings)
- Before a rate change, it is suggested to backup the data base
- EFT (VoPay and Transphere): in the rejected payments table, added the Borrower Company, Record Type and all of the Record’s IDs
- “Do not show again” when modifying the Borrower’s data
- Multiple minor adjustments to previous versions
Version 5.6. – Released July 25, 2024
(Version 5.6.240725.1)
Many of these additions and fixes were added in a version 5.6 before July 25, 2024
What’s new:
- Multiple new options for Record color:
- Label (name) of colors can be displayed in the Main Window
- The display order can be established by a Margill Administrator
- Colors can be hidden
- Automatic Reports (Overnight tasks):
- Option for reporting dates up to X days after the current date (before, only allowed until current date)
- Custom Record list report (Data subtotal option):
- Correction of erroneous subtotals in certain exceptional situations
- Sorting data by header when subtotals are enabled is prohibited
- Added Borrower Type field for US bank account imports
- Added several fields relating to Co-Borrowers and Guarantors
- Manual and automatic (API) imports via Excel to import Column fees only on the Origination Date as opposed as for all payment lines
- VoPay pre-authorized payments:
- Province not respecting the two-letter abbreviation is automatically converted to two letters when producing the report for the most common spelling. For example, Ontario becomes ON
- Decryption of JSON files for automatic import and encryption of automatic reports in CSV and text format with the AWS KMS format
- Record import via Excel when Interest rate table is mapped:
- Defaults for Interest tables (Data window) of the user importing are taken into account (Percentage to add or subtract (Spread), Update Method, Frequency of rate update and Date of first rate update)
- If Interest rate table is empty, Excel then takes the user’s Default Interest table
- Various other logic rules included for Import
- If a field is mapped but is empty (numerical) then import of 0, as opposed to the User’s default, except for the field: Rate Table – Abbreviation
- Interest table abbreviation mapping is mandatory in order to include the 4 other data relating to the Interest rate tables (Percentage to add or subtract, etc.) (If the field is mapped but empty, then the User’s default table will be taken into account)
- Sending emails:
- Tool to check the validity of emails (prohibited characters and presence of @ and mandatory periods)
- Harmonization of email sending methods (test mode versus sending mode)
- Various other exception fixes
- “Tally” fields added for email and SMS templates.
- Multiples fixes for new features in version 5.6, notably in the Instant data display in the Main window
Version 5.6. – Released February 27, 2024
(Version 5.6.240227.1)
What’s new:
- Optimization: Significantly optimized data loading time
- Main window (“Instant mode”)
- Borrower selection window
- Post payment window
- 64 bit version (previous versions were 32 bit)(important for very large databases – report production)
- Attached documents: option allowing to name the document Type that is attached to the Record or to the Borrower
- Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT):
- United States: New third-party EFT processor VoPay
- Europe: SEPA files (Single Euro Payments Area)( XML pain008.001.02 and pain008.001.08)
- If number of consecutive Unpaid Payments is greater than x, then advise user or do not allow to submit the next payment
- EFT banking data can be entered in the Borrower window directly accessible from the Data window without needing to go through File > Borrower
- User Management:
- Option that allows designated users to only access Records linked to specific Creditors
- Special option for Participation loans with multiple Creditors (access, or not, by a user, to Records if the Creditor is not normally accessible to this user)
- Apply a Template for users for the Main window and/or Payment schedule columns based on ADMIN settings (compulsory or not)(only the ADMIN user can do this)
- Read-only and Draft users can now see the list of Borrowers’ attachments (option)
- Warning when changing user rights without saving
- Option that allows designated users to only access Records linked to specific Creditors
- Data import:
- Automated import: Existing “Due Pmt” update to “Paid Pmt”, “Unpaid Pmt”, “Partial Pmt”, “Late Pmt”, etc. (payment update via Excel sheet)(documented in separate document available on-line)
- Automated import: Alert in the Main window when a file is in the import folder (folders should always be empty except temporarily (less than 2 minutes) when the file is sent there)
- Automatic and manual import: Fees and Fees paid Line statuses added in the New transactions import via Excel sheet
- Import of Loan data via Excel file (manual import mode): option not to automatically calculate the Interest rate and/or Principal when the amount entered is 0% (Interest rate) or 0.00 (original Principal)
- Note: in the automatic import, Interest rate and Principal are never calculated, they both remain 0
- Automatic import of new transactions – option for same date transactions and column K (for Fixed Principal Due payments, added)
- Option to check “Expected payment = 0.00” for the Paid Late Pmt and Partial Late Pmt Line statuses so that these payments, added in the Payment schedule can act as “compensatory” payments (i.e. which compensate unpaid or partial payments) reducing Outstanding amounts.
- “System Info” box in the Main window (tab) that allows the ADMIN user only, to enter notes regarding the use of the system (e.g. implementation date, important system notes, procedures, etc.)( 2000 characters)
- Accounting entry Report:
- Option to include Closed Records
- When an Advanced Query is used, elimination of the constraint of including only Active Records
- Document Merge:
- Option to select report dates from the Record’s Origination date up to date X
- Option to send documents to Creditors (Bcc) and to one or more emails to be entered at the time of sending
- Column added in the merge fields showing the short merge code
- Document merge templates: a user can no longer change another user’s templates (document production and Creditor/Investor Statement windows)(flaw corrected)
- Automatic reports (Overnight) – option to send files produced to a FTP or secure FTP folder
- An interest payment can pay capitalized interest before the current interest accrued (for that line or lines)
- Corresponding fields
- Capitalized Interest (for period)
- Capitalized Interest (entire Loan)
- Capitalized Interest Paid (for period)
- Balance Capitalized Interest due at Report Start date at 0:00
- Balance Capitalized Interest due at Report End Date
- New variables added for the Employer linked to Co-Borrower 1
- New reporting fields:
- Next Due Pmt even if Pmt = 0 (amount and date)
- In version 5.5 and below, if the payment amount was 0.00, then this Due Pmt was ignored
- Borrower Business and if empty, then First Name Last Name of the Borrower
- US and European bank accounts
- Creditors 4 to 10 added in the report fields as well as the three Unique identifiers for each
- Employer variables associated with Co-Borrower 1
- Date of first unpaid payment – Date (and in February 2024 version 5.5)
- Next Due Pmt even if Pmt = 0 (amount and date)
- Corresponding fields
- Payment schedule:
- Global changes to change the data for multiple lines at once. Columns included:
- Comment
- Expected Payment
- Expected Principal (if option is activated in Settings)
- True Pmt Date (Grace/EFT)
- Minimum Payment
- 3 custom columns – Money
- 3 custom columns – Numerical
- 3 custom columns – Text
- History of changes by line in a Payment schedule
- Column fees can be added when adding new payments directly in the Payment schedule
- “Expected payment” (column) option added for the “Late payment paid” and “Partial late payment” Line statuses
- This makes it easier for a “Late payment paid” or a “Partial late payment” to be considered as a compensatory payment, thus making it possible to indicate that the Expected payment is 0.00, thus reducing the Outstanding amount.
- Global changes to change the data for multiple lines at once. Columns included:
- Post payment tool – change “True Pmt (Grace-EFT)” date for many lines at once
- City can now be a scroll menu (for Borrower, Creditor and Employer)
- Data confidentiality:
- Bank account number can now be “redacted” (hidden) for all users except those specifically authorized to see the data (Sensitive data module)
- Social security number (SSN) now “redacted” in the database Search tool
- Borrower Social security number (SSN) can now be forced to follow a specific format
- For Custom fields, elimination of numbering the field order presentation. You can now move these up or down with the arrows without the need to number them
- If your default PDF reader cannot open PDFs directly in MLM, there is an option to use MLM’s internal PDF reader (Tools > User Settings)
- The “Modify / New Record” option in the Data tab will be grayed out if the Origination Date precedes the current date by more than X days if the option blocking the edit of historical transactions is activated
- A “+” was added in the Data screen to allow users to change the first capitalization date when the “Simple interest capitalized” calculation method is used
- Alerts: The two Record unique Identifiers added in the Alerts display table
- SMS transmission (with Foliomedian): lists of errors following their transmission (rejections, STOP requests from recipients, etc.)
- The “Country” for Borrower and Creditor in Advanced Queries (also in October 2023 version 5.5)
- Force various Record and Borrower identifiers to be unique or not
- Total Borrower credit, amount can be up to 999 billion
- Borrower window redone (back office stuff)
- Specialized option (rate): If interest is negative and capitalized, the amount of interest that will be capitalized will be zero (0.00) instead of a negative amount. The Balance Due Interest will thus remain unchanged instead of increasing negatively (so decreasing). In previous versions, negative interest amounts continued to capitalize negatively (rare cases)
- Advanced Mathematical Equation can now be copied
Version 5.5. – Released August 10, 2023
(Version 5.5.230810.1)
What’s new:
- Shortcut (Ctrl Alt Shift C) in the Main window to bulk add or change Creditors (only for Creditor in first position)
- Shortcut (Ctrl Alt Shift Z) in the Main window to bulk check the “Balance = 0 (or other amount)” box in the selected Payment schedules to adjust the latest “Due Pmt” amount. Only for Records whose last line is of “Due Pmt” type.
- Borrower Email now accepts 300 characters to allow the entry of multiple emails for a Borrower
- Fixed a recent error introduced (in 5.5) of payment dates in Payment schedule when the unknown variable was Amortization (Payment dates were set to last day of month)
Version 5.5. – Released June 27, 2023
(Version 5.5.230627.1)
What’s new:
- Borrower Merge (Special options in Settings) issue fixed when Borrowers had EFT payments linked to them. Software froze. Now a message appears requesting a confirmation of the special operation.
- Creditor Invoices and Statements (Document Merge). Issue fixed with Mathematical Equations in the data presented to the Creditor in table format. Only the total appeared, not amounts by loan.
- Documents Merge: new Table 25
- Revised calculation for “Interest Paid” Line status – particularly when interest is paid in advance in Simple interest or Simple interest capitalized
- Accounting entries report (General Ledger) – if the “True Pmt Date – Grace/EFT” date was greater than the Payment Date on the last line of the Payment schedule, this transaction was excluded. It is now included.
- Various minor adjustments to previous versions 5.5
Version 5.5. – Released May 10, 2023
(Version 5.5.230510.1)
What’s new:
- New reporting field:
- First Payment Date (Original)
- Main window:
- Fix to all the “Tally” type fields (for example, number of Unpaid Pmts)
Version 5.5. – Released April 6, 2023
(Version 5.5.230406.1)
What’s new:
- Main window:
- New search, filter and other options including the “Contains” search
- Three extra Custom fields Display filters (total of six now)
Version 5.5. – Released March 22, 2023
(Version 5.5.230322.1)
What’s new:
- Add Column Fees on the first line of the Payment schedule only (on the Origination Date), when creating a Record. A new line will be inserted automatically with the desired Line status “Other x”. The often seen fees at Origination can thus be added without the need to do it manually in the Payment schedule.
- New “Expected Principal’ concept (similar to “Expected Payment” but for the principal portion upon loan amortization schedule creation)
- New refund order (in Advanced)(limited accessibility)
- Interest > Expected principal (no interest) > Expected principal (with interest) > Column Fees 1 > Column Fees 2 > Column Fees 3 > Column Fees 4 > Column Fees 5 > Column Fees 6 > Principal (no interest) > All other Line status amounts (no interest) > All other Line status amounts (with interest) > Principal (with interest)
- Number of events (Line statuses) now in Mathematical equations and Advanced equations
- Added Borrower and Creditor IDs in Document Merge
- Added of unique IDs 1 and 2 when selecting the Borrower (Co-Borrower and Guarantor) in the Record
- Drop-down menus available for the nine custom in the Payment schedule
- Added Borrower’s bank accounts fields in the automatic import
- Bulk import of file attachments for Borrowers and Records (based on a unique identifier)
- Payment schedule templates 23, 24 and 24 in Document Merge
- Import of new payments in the Payment schedule in bulk via an Excel sheet
- In order to quickly find import errors, sorting by “Message” column is now possible
- When there are more than 15 lines in an import, button “Find next red issue”
- Choose Record color directly in the Record with the right mouse click (as opposed to only through the Main window)
- Social Insurance Number, Record and Record number can be unique
- Possibility to add a mandatory SIN format during import via Excel
- Added the “Bad Debt” field in Global changes
- Credit Report:
- Allows adding the Date of first delinquency when the Consumer indicator is other than empty
- Added in Global changes: “Report on the same Borrower (Consumer) as that of the current Record”
- New Report field: Original final balance entered in the Data window when creating the Record
- Pre-authorized payments:
- VoPay (Canada): Windows Scheduled tasks (Margill Overnight tasks) “argument” to enable only preliminary validation of payments
- For NACHA files (electronic debits in the United States), added “filler” lines for files with less than 10 lines
- Variable interest rates: Option to include a negative spread for import via Excel
- Record List (personalized): Subtotals by Borrower ID and Unique ID 1 and 2 in order to be able to sort by first name, last name, company.
- Correction in the sending of emails in bulk via Main window by SMTP (corrected in the January version)
- Complex participation loan module:
- Delete multiple transactions in bulk
- Enter multiple uniform payments in bulk
- Enter Line Comment
- Various fixes to the previous 5.5 version
Version 5.5. – Released November 4, 2022
(Version 5.5.221104.1)
What’s new:
- Variable interest rate module:
- Payment schedule can now be linked to an Interest rate table and updated as new rates are entered in Margill
- Rates can follow all Rate table changes, or
- Rates can follow set dates at set frequencies (every x months)
- Option to enter new interest rates in bulk via Excel sheet
- Mass change from old variable interest rate method to new high-performance method via Global changes
- Payment schedule can now be linked to an Interest rate table and updated as new rates are entered in Margill
- E-signature in the Document Merge – in partnership with Eversign (subscription with Eversign)
- Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) integrated into Margill, new provider in Canada: VoPay
- Includes e-Transfers in order to credit the loan amount to the Borrower instantly (service contract with VoPay)
- Preliminary banking data error analysis
- New Line statuses:
- Interest paid (3 new) with names that can be personalized
- Principal paid (3 new) with names that can be personalized
- “Due Pmt” may be forced to “Must = 0”
- Email and SMS
- Main window – option to send an email to the Guarantors (bcc) and by SMS
- Document Merge – option to send email to Co-borrowers (cc) and to Guarantors (bcc)
- Accounting (GL) Report – participation loan data extraction based on Creditor participation as an amount (as opposed to participation percentage only)
- User rights:
- Option that allows user access only to some Record Types
- Main window:
- “Unmanaged Records” tab appears in red (more like pink actually) if there are unmanaged Records (so Payment schedule lines still in “Due Pmt” as opposed to Paid / Unpaid / etc. when past current date)
- Critical (red) system Warning now flashes slowly to better warn users of critical fixes required
- IMPORTANT for the Mathematical Equations: for Monetary results, change of method from up to six (6) decimal places to the monetary method of only two (2) decimals. Instead of rounding the amount up or down to two decimal places, the 3rd decimal is truncated since fractions of pennies cannot exist. This may affect the results if you compare an Equation result in 5.4 (or earlier) with the same calculation in version 5.5. The difference could be a penny.
- Send invoices or statements (Documents Merge module) via the Alerts window. For example, alert created 30 days before next Due Pmt. User can select these Records and send invoices in seconds
- New automatic import field – Line Behavior (payment amount automatically recalculated)
- Interest-only and Fixed Principal – Option 1 only
- Advanced queries (for report production) – Compounding frequency added as a query field
- In a Record window header, option to add the Record Type
- In the Master and Affiliate loans module (in EFT), option to only see Records for the active Borrower
- “Do not show again” checkbox added in the error message when “Due Pmt” or “Additional principal” Line statuses are at 0.00
- Results Table button name changed to Payment Schedule
- Various corrections for version 5.4
Version 5.4. – Released September 15, 2022
(Version 5.4.220915.1)
What’s new:
- Document Merge:
- New Payment schedule templates 19, 20, 21
- Various fixes
Version 5.4. – Released August 30, 2022
(Version 5.4.220830.1)
What’s new:
- Document Merge:
- New Payment schedule template 18
- Email and SMS templates – Custom fields added to the merge fields available
- Automatic reports production – in Excel format, ISO type date format option (YYYYMMDD) or other without the / or – between year, month and day. This allows the import of data when the importing system only accepts an ISO date (such as Margill with third-party software imports or from Margill itself to update data in other loans)
- Change Payments dates for multiple loans at once (in bulk) via the Post Payment tool
- New field in the reports (and elsewhere): Date of change to “Closed” Record Status
- New variables to extract the last Paid payment which is more than five (5) days before the current date in order to obtain, with near certainty, that this payment has really been paid and will not be refused by the bank (especially for collection by electronic payments):
- Last Paid Payment (>5 days of current date) – Date
- Last Paid Payment (>5 days of current date) – Amount
- Last Paid Payment (>5 days of current date) – Balance
- Last Paid Payment (>5 days of current date) – Line status
- In the Master and Affiliate loans module (in EFT), Record Type added and now possible to sort be other fields in the table
Version 5.4. – Released June 22, 2022
(Version 5.4.220622.1)
What’s new:
- Alerts :
- Option allowing User type users to view, modify and delete all Alerts (Note: Administrator and Power type users had access to these alerts automatically. Now this right must be specifically granted).
Version 5.4. – Released June 1, 2022
(Version 5.4.220601.1)
What’s new:
- Added fields for reports and other:
- Borrower: First name and Last name in a single field (concatenated)
- Methods used for Interest-only payment (1 or 2) or Fixed principal payment (1, 2 or 3) when “Due Pmt” lines include the automatic payment recalculation with the “Line Behavior” option (2 fields). Mainly used to ensure that loans all follow the same method
- Fixed: Interest-only or Fixed principal payment amount calculated automatically with the “Line Behavior” when the Column Fee method was based on the pure Principal balance and the number of days
- Document Merge: CA bank account data added in merge fields (fix)
Version 5.4. – Released May 19, 2022
(Version 5.4.220519.1)
What’s new:
- Fixed in the EFT module: Line status “Due Pmt” was not changed to “Paid Pmt” (only the Paid Pmt, not the other Paid Pmt (X))
Version 5.4. – Released May 12, 2022
(Version 5.4.220512.1)
What’s new:
- Added Payment schedule template 17 in Document Merge (exactly template 10 but based on the user’s date format)
- Correction of the date format in Statements to Creditors
- Various minor adjustments
Version 5.4. – Released April 7, 2022
(Version 5.4.220407.1)
What’s new:
- Import new loans via Excel: for Simple interest capitalized loans, the date of first capitalization can be inserted and used to create the Record
- New payment import:
- Added “Interest Charged” 1 and 2 Line status
- If the same date already exists in the payment schedule, option to insert a new transaction on the same date after the existing line instead of before (default method)
- Sort the import analysis by the rejection reason column
Version 5.4. – Released March 14, 2022
(Version 5.4.220314.1)
What’s new:
- Transactional report – new report date options:
- Report based on “Pmt date”, ignoring “True Payment Date (Grace/ EFT)” if a date is included in the column
- Report based on “True Payment Date (Grace/ EFT)”
- Ctrl Alt Shift F12 shortcut in the Results table now allows to change the selected “Due Pmt” Line statuses to “Unpaid”
- Semi-monthly payments can now be added in the Results table at other dates than the 1st and 15th of the month
- Elimination of the constraint to force the payment to zero (0.00) on the Other 1 to 9 line states in the new payment import module. This adds flexibility.
- Fixed automatic recalculation of Interest-only or Fixed Principal payment amounts when other Line statuses are added upstream. Only affected Simple interest calculations.
Version 5.4. – Released February 26, 2022
(Version 5.4.220226.1)
What’s new:
- Multi-factor authentication (MFA) for connection to the software
- New Right click in the Results table will now export to Excel only the columns that are displayed and will reflect the column order
- Various fixes to previous version 5.4 (including FolioMedian’s SMS service configuration)
- New sub-version update message: When a minor update is available a message will be given stating the current version and date as well as the new version available and date. Message will also state whether this is a critical update or not.
- Important fix: “Expected Pmt” column when payment recomputation to give balance = 0 or X was made (Expected payments were reset in all lines above)
- Filters in the Main Window
- New Color filter
- Option to rename Color to a more descriptive name (color label) such as Urgent for red, etc.
- Color names (label) available in reports
- New “Select all” option to easily exclude choices (deselection instead of selection which can be long when a menu has many choices)
- New transactions import via an Excel sheet: possible import of up to 9.9 billion instead of 999.9 million in the 3 information columns (numerical) of the Results table
- Fixed the erroneous 5.3 New version update notice
Version 5.4. – Released January 27, 2022
(Version 5.4.220127.1)
What’s new:
- Automatic Import and Update of Borrowers and Loans via an Excel or JSON file
- Automated Import of new Transactions to the Results table (via Excel file)
- Payments (principal, interest, fees, etc.) automatically recomputed to give a final balance = 0.00 or X (after an interest rate change or other upstream transactions). This is a new “Line Behavior”
- Accounting entry report – option to extract the Participation of each of the creditors (%)
- Master and Affiliated Records – EFT – automatic update of “Affiliate” loans from “Due Pmt” to “Paid Pmt” (or other) when “Master” loan is updated via EFT (Perceptech)
- Automated “overnight” (produced any time in fact) Reports: new option to send the documents produced by Email.
- Salesforce (API) (Beta in 5.4)
- Option to update only data for existing Borrowers in Margill (as opposed to all Salesforce data)
- Option to include up to five (5) Salesforce Conditions (in order to obtain only a subset of Salesforce data)
- Sub-creditor module (Participation loan)(advanced feature)
- Sensitive data module
- In Advanced queries, new option to include Records with upcoming payments for next week, next month, etc. This allows, among other things, to easily select the Records to send invoices to (Document merge)
- Two (2) additional Column fees (Column fee 5 and 6) including the 47 new corresponding variables (totals, paid amounts, etc.)
- Alerts:
- Send alerts to Borrowers via SMS without the need to use Email-to-SMS method. In collaboration with FolioMedian (subscription basis)
- Send SMS via the Main MLM window
- Record Alerts – new option that allows sending Emails from a template to the Borrower(s), the Co-Borrower(s) and/or to another Email address (such as a Margill user, for example, for internal alerts)
- New custom Record Statuses (as opposed to only Active, Closed, etc.)
- Advanced Mathematical Equations using “IF” and other special commands
- Full database search engine (Beta in 5.4)
- Multi currency module: can now be updated with an Excel sheet
- Notes: default font size increased to 9 pts (from 7 pts that was too small) and preferred font size memorized
- Security: Maximum of five (5) password attempts to access the software (present in some recent versions of 5.3 as well)
- Improved Undo function and activity Logs improved in the Results table
- Option never to display the “What’s New” window (was an irritant in certain situations)
- Various corrections from version 5.3
Version 5.3. – Released January 13, 2022
(Version 5.3.220113.1)
- When creating a Payment schedule with irregular payments up to a specific date and using an interest table with unchanged rates between dates in the table, rate changes could be shifted. This has been fixed (exceptional situation rarely used)
- Other adjustments with variable interest rates (rate insertions and additions at the end of the Calendar)
Version 5.3. – Released December 6, 2021
(Version 5.3.21206.1)
What’s new and corrections:
- Option to delete many Borrowers in bulk (as opposed to one by one) if the Borrower does not have any Loans
- For EFT payments (ACH) for the US (via NACHA file):
- Option to exclude some “Due Pmt” Line statuses when submitting the payments to your bank
- Option to automatically update “Due Pmt” to “Paid Pmt” (as renamed) taking into account the precise Line status
- Fixed this issue in the Main window: “Dashboard” was no longer displaying when MLM was moved to another screen (multi screen)
Version 5.3. – Released November 19, 2021
(Version 5.3.21119.1)
- Document Merge – short merge code for Equations had been deactivated (fixed on Nov. 2, 2021)
- Correction in the EFT module for the “Include the description of the rejection…” option which could not be checked (error had been introduced earlier in 2021)
Version 5.3. – Released October 28, 2021
(Version 5.3.211028.1)
- When sending emails via Gmail (OAut) in version 5.2, emails to Co-Borrowers were changed from Blind carbon copy (bcc) to Carbon copy (cc). In this version we have restored the bcc.
Version 5.3. – Released September 22, 2021
(Version 5.3.210922.1)
What’s new:
- Bulk data import of banking data (bank accounts for EFT)
- Various corrections from previous version
Version 5.3. – Released June 2, 2021
(Version 5.3.210602.1)
What’s new:
- For Creditor participation as a percentage, addition of 2 decimals (total of 8) for increased precision in Equations
- In Mathematical Equations, calculations using 8 decimals instead of 4 for increased precision
- NOTE: In some situations, some results for existing Equations could be slightly affected because of this additional precision
- Personalized Standard Fields: Administrator can customize the names of certain standard fields and gray out fields for them not to be used (Record identifiers in Data > General and four Borrower fields)
- Custom fields with scroll menus: option that allows the change the presentation order of the scroll data content
- In Document merge, new payment table 14 template (for DOCX)
- Correction of the Outstanding amount (fraction of a cent in some situations)
Version 5.3. – Released May 20, 2021
(Version 5.3.210520.1)
What’s new:
- Automatic import and update of the Borrower’s data via Excel or JSON – with a Windows service.
- Automatic import/export of Salesforce data via a Windows service and Overnight tasks, so no more manual process when the tool was in Beta mode in version 5.2
- USA – Create a NACHA file for preauthorized payments (EFT / ACH)
- ACH payments (Canada)
- Cannot submit an ACH payment if the balance is negative at the time or submitting the payment or if the payment leads to a negative balance
- Last payment calculated even if the Payment amount is entered (to yield a 0.00 or X final balance)(before all payments were the same amount, no matter the final balance)
- Automatic fees based on Record Type or a Custom field scroll menu
- Column fees can now be imported with the Bulk payment import tool via Excel file
- Record List report:
- Subtotals and sorting based on report fields
- Administrator can rename certain fields and grey them out in order to prevent them from being filled in:
- Data window > General tab
- File, File number (Numerical), Date, Accounting ID, Unique ID 1, Unique ID 2
- Borrower window
- Social Sec., Birth Date, Unique ID 1, Unique ID 2
- Data window > General tab
- Mandatory fields not required for Records in Draft mode
- The ADMIN user exclusively can activate additional security and privacy measures:
- Activity logs saved in text format
- Increased data protection (ban on bulk copying and exporting, ban on capturing images of the data)
- ADMIN password can be modified by ADMIN user only
- Can give or withdraw the rights for other administrators to change passwords
- Can give or withdraw the rights for other users to import Records/Borrowers/Employers/Creditor via Excel
- Can give or withdraw the rights for other users to import and update bulk data:
- “Post Payment” tool
- “Bulk Payment Import” in Tools > Post Payments
- “Import / update data in bulk in the Record Summary (Tools > Various)
- Change interest rate in bulk
- Option prohibiting users to access Internet from Margill
- New logs of changes and extraction to a JSON file to be retrieved by a third-party activity management system:
- Loan activities
- User management (new log)
- “Overnight” tasks and reports
- Activity reports (new log)
- User activity sessions (new log)
- In the “Data” window, when creating a loan, advanced option to specify, for interest-only or fixed-principal payments, that the payment amount must be recalculated automatically based on the previous transactions (Line behavior)
- Advanced calculation settings: Mathematical Refund Order adapted for Special Line statuses
- Advanced queries (for reports):
- Currency added to query options (if multi-currency module is activated)
- 2 new variables:
- Last Unpaid payment – Amount
- Last Unpaid payment – Date
- Elimination of the “Special events” report but it remains available under Custom reports (password required)
Version 5.2. – Released April 8, 2021
(Version 5.2.210408.1)
What’s new:
- Additional fields for reports
- Next Due Pmt (Line status = Next Due Pmt)(Entire loan)
- Correction of the Term and Amortization variables in certain situations (corrected in March version)
Version 5.2. – Released February 17, 2021
(Version 5.2.2210217.1)
What’s new:
- Notes extraction in PDF format (as opposed to RTF which made a partial extraction only – excluded images for example)
- Correction of various irritants in the Statements to Creditors/Investors (adjustable column width, name of merge codes, etc.)
- Document Merge with Euro currency – correction in the formatting
- Interest rate tables now with 6 decimals
Version 5.2. – Released December 14, 2020
(Version 5.2.201214.1)
What’s new:
- Improvement of the visual “Dashboard” in the Main window: much faster data loading and window can remain open while working normally with the software
- Correction of the MLM software update tool in previous versions: some files had to be removed manually
Version 5.2. – Released December 1, 2020
(Version 5.2.201201.1)
What’s new:
- Main window visual “Dashboard” using widgets
- Automatically produce the “Record List” (Customized) report or “Transaction” report (every day, every week, as required) with Overnight tasks.
- Salesforce (CRM) integration (Beta mode):
- Export various data from Margill (balances, outstanding amounts, next due payment date and amount, etc.) to Salesforce
- Import data from Salesforce to Margill via API
- Column fees based on the pure Principal balance as well as number of days (calculated using a very similar method as Simple interest)
- Batch email sending via Main window: Send payment schedule (PDF) to Borrowers
- Record (loan) and Borrower Notes are now time stamped and by user. Cannot be changed after 24 hours.
- Record Notes can now be extracted in one operation
- “Payment” amount for “Other” 1 to 10 Line statuses can be set on a compulsory basis to 0.00 (Admin’s decision)(to allow the entry of data in other columns of the payment schedule without the risk that a Payment amount be entered by accident)
- “Expected Pmt” column can be set on a compulsory basis to 0.00 (Admin’s decision) for Due Pmts, Paid Pmts and Unpaid Pmts. Simplifies the calculation of the Outstanding payment amount.
- Email sent via “OAut” more secure method (particularly for Gmail)(as opposed to SMTP)
- Global changes for Borrower – import data via Excel sheet
- Important improvement in the Column fees default settings and in their insertion via the right mouse click
- User Management:
- Administrator can decide that a “Strong” password is required for all users
- Administrator can decide that a user does not have the right to create a new Record
- In Alerts, right click of the mouse to open the Record
- Mathematical Equations: a variable can now be multiplied by a negative number
- Advanced Queries: option to sort data based on various fields
- Custom fields setup: import scroll menu data via Excel spreadsheet
- All database files are now encrypted
- Elimination of 001, 002 files when software updates are done (so database takes up less space)
Version 5.1. – Released October 15, 2020
(Version 5.1.201015.1)
What’s new:
- EFT (Canada) – considerable improvement in the time required to submit EFT payments (no longer recomputes the APR thus saving time)
Version 5.1. – Released July 15, 2020
(Version 5.1.200715.1)
What’s new:
- Bulk data import / update in the Results table of Payment amount, Column fees, Custom Columns (9) and Comment for Due Payments
- Post payment tool (Import new payments via Excel):
- Data in the 3 Monetary Custom columns can now be imported
- “Other” Line statuses can now be imported (with compulsory Payment of 0.00)
- Email mass sending test tool
- Fixed loan import via Excel sheet to include variable interest rate table
- Added version 13 of the Results table for Merged documents
Version 5.1. – Released May 28, 2020
(Version 5.1.200528.1)
What’s new:
- “Anniversary” capitalization date in Simple interest capitalized at a date other that the Origination date
- User cannot change Record Status (for example, only one designated user could change a Record from Draft to Active or some other Status – part of Workflow)
- Line statuses: Hide obsolete Line statuses from the Results table menu even if they are still used in older Records for example
- Transaction (payment) import in bulk via Excel
- “Expected Pmt” data (spreadsheet column L)
- Allowed to import new payments via Excel (Bulk Payment import) with “True Payment Date Grace / EFT” after the last date of the payment schedule
Version 5.1. – Released April 4, 2020
(Version 5.1.200404.1)
What’s new:
- Creditor Email field – now 200 spaces (was 75 before) so that multiple emails may be entered in the field (separated by semicolon “;”, no spaces)
- In Mathematical equations, it is now allowed to multiply by a negative number
- Social Security Number (SSN) field for Guarantors now available in Reports
- When sending emails (document merge, automatic emails), multiple email addresses can be added to receive a carbon copy (cc). CC emails must be separated by a semicolon “;” and no space between each email (260 spaces)
Version 5.1. – Released March 23, 2020
(Version 5.1.200325.1)
What’s new:
- Read-only users with the right to produce reports can now also create report templates
- Grace date (entered in column) may be after the date of the last line of the payment schedule
- Tool to change the interest rate between two dates (set them to 0% for example) for multiple loans at once in order to allow an interest holiday (relief) to be given to borrowers (and deferral of payments during the COVID 19 crisis)
- Payment update tool:
- Nine (9) complementary information columns of the payment schedule now added so that data can be posted in these directly with the Post payment tool
- New column displaying the last date of the payment schedule (amount > 0.00)
- Option to hide or display the “Term” and the default “Due Pmt” Record’s Data window
Version 5.1. – Released February 10, 2020
(Version 5.1.200202.1)
What’s new:
- Refund order by type of money (Fees, Interest, Principal):
- Column Fees 2, 3, 4 can be paid according to a priority other than the normal refund order: Fees 1, followed by Fees 2 and so forth…
- Pure accounting principal can be paid without being paid along with the APR Fees Financed on a pro-rated basis
- APR Fees Financed can be paid before pure accounting principal
- Column Fees added automatically when a payment is made by borrower after an allowed number of days late
- Document Merge:
- Option to include only Records that have at least one transaction during the reporting period. You can also view Records and transactions included before producing the report
- Option to specify the default “Due Pmt” type (Due Pmt 1 to 5) when creating the payment schedule
- Payment schedule:
- Option to change “Due Pmt” Line status to any of the 1 to 20 “Paid Pmt” via the shortcut “Ctrl Alt Shift F12”
- Option to change lines from one of the “Due Pmt” Line statuses to another “Due Pmt” type (“Due Pmt 2-5”) via the shortcut “Ctrl Alt Shift F11”
- Select (highlight) “Due Pmt” Line statuses of your choice via the shortcut “Alt X”
- New reporting fields and for the Main Window:
- Four fields used to obtain at current date or at Date X, the amount that is really past due (including fees, interest, principal and others) and required for the Borrower to be up to date in his payments:
- Amount due at Current Date (final balance = 0.00)
- Amount due at Current Date (final balance = original balance or new balance entered)
- Amount due report End Date (final balance = 0.00)
- Amount due report End Date (final balance = original balance or new balance entered)
- Creditor – Total participation (Amount) of all Creditors in the Record
- Tally (count) of number of various Line statuses (for example, number of “Unpaid Pmt”).
- Four fields used to obtain at current date or at Date X, the amount that is really past due (including fees, interest, principal and others) and required for the Borrower to be up to date in his payments:
- New system to show warnings (potential errors) depending on the severity level: red, orange and yellow in the Main window (
- Improvement of the interest-only payment amount calculation tool in complex and specific situations
- 15 new Record colors in the Main window (+ button)
- Column Fees now allowed on the “Principal Paid” Line status
- Sum in Main Window of whole number type Custom fields
- For larger databases, option in the Main Window that does not refresh the data when closing a Record (a time saver)
- Optimization of the payment recomputation tool to yield a balance = 0.00 or X in the Results table.
Optional additional modules:
- Irregular participation loans / investments: Investor / Fund module allowing multiple investors or funds to invest in a loan and divest in whole or in part at various times (or reallocation to another fund). Module calculates interest due and principal balances at any time taking into account the investment dates and partial or full divestments.
- For large databases (minimum 5000 loans) option to Archive Records. These Records are then removed from the usual database and can no longer be modified or be included in reports.
Version 5.0.1. – Released December 13, 2019
What’s new:
- Two new fields for Document Merge:
- Interest rate in text (in capital letters, text rounded to two decimal points)
- Total loan interest (in capital letters)
- Margill User name is now stored by computer
- Option not to refresh the data in the Main window (for larger databases or networks that are a little slow)
- Merged documents – preferred suffix for file names remembered
- With the launch of Credit Manager 5 (report to credit agencies – Metro 2) update of the Vendor Template
- Correction of the payment amount calculated automatically with the Interest-only and Fixed principal labels in special situations (when interest paid in advance in previous lines for example)
Version 5.0.1 – Released November 11, 2019
What’s new:
- 15 new Record colors in the Main window
- Quick links in the Main window to launch a website, a document (PDF, Word, Excel, etc.) and even third-party software. Not available in SAAS version (Cloud service)
- Correction of some exceptions in the Merged documents (Payment schedules added to a Merged document)
- Correction of date problem (depending on format) when sending automatic emails
Version 5.0.1 – Released October 22, 2019
What’s new:
- Global database changes – bulk data import via spreadsheet (Excel) for Record data
- Option to hide totals displayed in the Main window (bottom of each column and summary)
- Electronic Funds Transfers:
- Two new “Due Pmt” Line statuses
- Option not to submit some “Due pmt” to EFT provider
- Option to automatically change to an Unpaid-type Line status based on the Paid-type Line status – thus allowing, for example, not to charge automatic fees on certain Unpaid-type Line statuses
- Perceptech (Canada) – Reason for payment rejection added to Comment column in Results table
- Perceptech (Canada) – Payment rejection date added to Results table (existing column called “Date of returned Check” – and renamed to “Date of returned Check/EFT”) allowing you to create payment rejection date reports with the Transaction report
- Document merge tool:
- Improved wording for the “Principal (Original) – Text” merge field
- This same field can now be added in all CAPITAL letters
- Option to send emails with templates in bulk from the Alerts window
- Correction of the automatic email test based on Line status
- Fixed possible issue when saving merged documents indicating that the specified path cannot be found.
Version 5.0 – Released September 16, 2019
(Version 5.0.190916.1)
What’s new:
- Default column display and order configuration for the Results table
- Emails sent in bulk will now have the Co-borrower in “Carbon copy” (cc) versus “Blind carbon copy” (bcc)(in first release of version 5.0) in order for the Margill user to see all emails sent.
Version 5.0 – Released September 5, 2019
(Version 5.0.190905.1)
What’s new:
- Modernized look and feel, keeping the same navigation you are used to
- Graphics optimization for very high definition monitors (4K)
- Powerful Advanced queries module that can be used in most reports
- Main (Record Summary) window:
- Multiple Records can now be opened at once
- Fast Display mode for the Main window optimized and Custom fields can now be displayed
- Total at the bottom of each money/numerical column
- Improved sorting of names entered in CAPITAL letters versus small letters
- Results table:
- Easier and quicker to hide/show/order columns in the Results table (bottom right icon)
- When the “Returned checks” module is activated, now allowed to hide the corresponding columns
- Lead/Prospect approval and Record (loan) import via Excel or JSON (mostly used for Web loan applications)
- User customized Creditor reports (statements and others)
- First Payment Date initially entered can now be changed and line deleted (only for new loans created as of this version, 5.0)
- First Payment Date can now automatically be entered as one period after the Origination Date (Date Window – press on
on the right of the Origination Date)
- Column Fees:
- New “Column Fees” added (total 4 Column Fees)
- Automatic Column fees based on the percentage of paid payment amount (for example, for payments that are simply 3 or more days late, charge 8% of the payment amount)
- For some irregular calculations: Effective Rate Method calculation improvements – for new loans only. Old loans are not updated to the new method
- Improved refund order for new calculations only (existing calculations maintain the pre-version 5.0 order)
- Short period special calculation method (Advanced calculation settings): In version 5.0 we have limited the short method impact to the short period at start of loan. When new short periods are inserted in the regular payment schedule, the normal method will apply. Users can always manually designate a special short period calculation method for any line(s) with the right mouse click.
- If a line is inserted between Simple capitalized lines (blue interest rate), inserted line will be Simple interest (green interest rate) so as not to capitalize if not desired. This can be changed manually to capitalized line that was inserted.
- New powerful behind-the-scenes report generation “black box” for improved report production speeds and harmonized results throughout the reports
- Sending batch or individual emails with templates:
- when loans are imported in batch via spreadsheet
- in the Main window (right mouse click)
- individually in the Record as such
- New Line statuses
- Paid Principal (pays only accounting principal)
- Compensatory payment (name may be changed, Expected pmt = 0.00)
- “Information – No impact” Line status that, even in special calculations, has no impact on any number when inserted (exception being 30/360 Day count in very special situations)
- New reporting fields:
- Date of the first negative payment in a Results table
- Amount of the first negative payment
- Balance at the first negative payment date
- Line status for the first negative payment
- Employer data (added to the Borrower theme – very end of section)
- For “Record List with period breaks” (Customized), new fields added that can be split by sub period:
- 14 fields including Ageing fields, balances at 0:00, year-to-date fields
- Spreadsheet application now available directly in these reports: “Record List” (Personalized), “Record List with Period Breaks”, “Transaction Report and Accounting Entries “
- Creditor (or Investor) participation in loans – total participation amount and total participation percentage now added in table
- Interest rates in variable Interest tables now can include up to six (6) decimal places
- Email merge (for sending automatic emails):
- Added: “Last Paid/Unpaid Payment (only Paid and Unpaid Line statuses)(in period) – Expected Pmt Amount” (code 814.1) for automatic emails
- Document Merge:
- User can now partially adjust Detailed Line templates (Payment Schedules – templates 1 to 11): header names, column width and portrait/landscape layout can be edited
- New template 11 for the Results table in the Document Merge module
- Merge fields by theme now on the right
- Elimination of the old RTF document merge interface in order to incite users to use the new interface. The old interface remains accessible with Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R
- Template owners or creators added to prevent another user from modifying another user’s templates
- Borrower Email field: now allowed to enter up to 175 characters (to enter numerous emails)
- When saving a Record, optional elimination of the pop-up asking whether to update or create a new Record
- Basic Tutorial from the Main Window – it can even be partially adapted by you to train your new users
- Day of week shown when scrolling over the Pmt Date in Results table
- Harmonization of reporting fields:
- “Interest accrued from the last Paid/Unpaid Payment” type fields:
- Modification of merge fields 721 and 727 so they are harmonized with other similar fields:
- If the payment is after the report end date, the result is 0.00 (did not give 0.00 before)
- Modification of the descriptions of many of these fields in order to better describe their behavior
- Modification of merge fields 721 and 727 so they are harmonized with other similar fields:
- Balance at 0:00 type fields (thus before the day’s transaction):
- Modification of the fields Principal Balance, True Balance, Computational Balance (412, 705, 833 et 4900, 7900, 8900) to include the logical exception in which a user does not differentiate between an Original Principal and “Additional Principal” type Line statuses when this “Add. Princ.” is entered on the Origination date. Both are thus deemed inserted at 0:00, not at 0:00+. This exception did not exist before version 5.0
- For the three variables Outstanding at the Report start date (thus at 0:00)(variables 415, 420, 424), the balance reported is that before payments that would have reduced the outstanding amount. Before version 4.5, the balance was that after the day’s transactions (thus 0:00+, not 0:00)
- Principal, whether included as Original Principal or as any of the “Additional principal” Line statuses specifically added at the Origination Date, will now generate the same amounts for these reporting fields (RTF codes 412, 705, 822, 823, 833, 4900, 7900)(management of exceptions)
- Variables 707 and 708 “Balance updated for Interest Due” eliminated from version 5.0
- “Interest accrued from the last Paid/Unpaid Payment” type fields:
- Minor correction of the interest on outstanding amount when interest is capitalized
- Correction in the accounting entries report of the variables APR – Fees 4 and 5 which did not take into account the transaction date
- Variable must be deleted from report and reselected
- Database Reindexation now in Overnight tasks
Version 4.4 – Released May 1, 2019
(Version 4.4.190501.1)
What’s new:
- New option that allows the user, before updating the software, to compare the difference between the current live version with the update for these three essential components: total accrued interest, final balance and last payment amount (sometimes referred to as a Sandbox). Other components can also be tested before updating the live version.
- Graphics optimization for small, very high definition monitors (>1080p)
- Import of loans via spreadsheet:
- Twice monthly payments default payment date now used instead of 1st and 15th of month
- Improved mapping memory (will remember mapping even if spreadsheet columns are ignored)
Version 4.4 – Released February 25, 2019
(Version 4.4.190225.1)
What’s new:
- New reporting field: “Next Due Pmt – Amount (all same day)”. This reports the total due payment amount if more than one “Due Pmt” type Line status is included at the same payment date
- “Add. Pmt” Line statuses can now be imported in bulk via Excel
- For many personalized reports, option that includes all Records selected even if the Record dates (Origination date and loan end date) are not within the report start date and end date range
- EFT payments activated with the Global changes (US and Canada)
- In the EFT window (payments to be submitted), number of days specified in the “True Pmt Date (Grace/EFT)” can now be greater than 9 days
- Borrower bank account data can be bulk imported with Global changes (feature available since March 2018 – but was not included in “What’s new”)
- Minor language issue fixed
Version 4.4 – Released January 18, 2019
(Version 4.4.190118.1)
What’s new:
- General Ledger report: correction of double reporting in very specific “Additional principal” Line status situations
Version 4.4 – Released January 10, 2019
(Version 4.4.190110.1)
What’s new:
- Record List customized:
- New option to include all selected Records even if Record is outside the chosen reporting dates (Record end date is before Report start date or Record start date is after the Report end date)
- Document Merge module:
- Fix where in certain situations Equations with Line fees did not work properly (inversed negatives)
- New Detailed Lines template 10
- In the DOCX module new option to create PDF via Word
Version 4.4 – Released December 14, 2018
(Version 4.4.181214.1)
What’s new:
- Interest Adjustment Date option now available for all Payment Methods (Data tab)(was only available for Normal (Principal and Interest) method in earlier 4.4 versions)
- Automatic deletion of older backups (automatic overnight tasks)
- Borrower import via Excel – banking information can now be included for selected borrowers only
Version 4.4 – Released October 31, 2018
(Version 4.4.181031.1)
What’s new:
- In printed Results table, new Line statuses “Interest charged” taken out of the “Other increases” section (totals at end of page) and Column fees added.
Version 4.4 – Released October 25, 2018
(Version 4.4.181025.1)
What’s new:
- Blocking of historical transaction changes by the Administrator of all Results tables for Active, Closed and Archived Records as of a chosen date
- Document merge module:
- For the DOCX report, a single file may now be created for the batch of records as opposed to a separate file for each
- When individual DOCX, RTF or PDF files are saved, choice of different identifiers in the file name (as opposed to the single option using the MLM ID)
- Interest Adjustment Date can now be added at the start of a loan (usually for short periods between the Origination date and the First payment date in a mortgage)
- Main (Record Summary) window:
- User may change the column heading names
- New Line status:
- Due Pmt – Unpaid (for Due payments that the user knows will not be paid before their due date)
- New reporting fields:
- Balance Due Interest (at Current Date)
- New document merge Results tables (numbers 8 and 9)
- Twice monthly payments can not be set to desired, less usual, frequencies (2nd and 22nd day of the month, 5th and 24 day of the month, etc.)
- For EFT transmissions (Intrix and Perceptech), number of days to add to the “True Pmt Date (EFT/Grace)” (as well as Saturday and Sunday payments) now remembered. Nevertheless, the user must Submit the request at each EFT transmission.
- Step payments percentage increase or decrease automatically calculated to yield a balance = 0 or other amount (when lines are added at the end of a Results table).
- Lines in a Results table can now be assigned a special color (right mouse click)
- Loan import via Excel sheet:
- A Co-borrower and a Guarantor can now be added
- Column fees can now be 0.00 for some loans
- Other adjustments offering more import flexibility
- Copy of the payment amount to one of the extra information columns (with shortcut)
- Reset Expected Pmt to 0.00 for all “Add. Pmt” Line statuses (with shortcut)
Version 4.4 – Released June 13, 2018
(Version 4.4.180613.1)
What’s new:
- Day count:
- The 30/360 Day count method used so far was temporarily taken out of version 4.4 (replaced by 30U/360) and added back in this version 4.4
- 30U/360 Day count method added. This method adds a condition for February 28/29 end of month payments. See Calculation methods > Day count
- EFT (US and Canada) payment selection window sorting now allowed with Borrower name and other columns
- EFT (Canada) module improved to reduce possibility of human error and operations tracking mechanism added
Version 4.4 – (Version 4.4.180320.1)
March 20, 2018 (Beta released February 21, 2018)
What’s new:
- Electronic Funds transfer (EFT):
- ACH payments for the United States with our partner Intrix
- With Perceptech (Canada), import and update rejected payments (changes Paid payments to Unpaid payments along with the automatic fees if required)
- Automatically change the “Paid pmt” type based on the “Due Pmt” type (3 choices)
- New field which indicates if EFT is enabled or not (Yes / No) (“EFT enabled” under “General”). Useful in the Main window allowing you to see which Records have not been submitted as EFT
- New field to identify the Perceptech account number
- To reduce the risk that upcoming EFT payments will be forgotten, Margill no longer allows users to submit EFT transactions if the option “Access to your own Files” is checked
- Major evolution in the Document Merge tool:
- New sophisticated text editor to create Word documents (DOCX)(Beta mode for now)
- New Invoices and statements module to include data for multiple periods in one statement/invoice:
- Current (or upcoming payments) reporting period
- Previous reporting period
- Year-to-date to start of current reporting period
- Start of loan to start of current reporting period
- New Line statuses:
- “Paid interest”. Allows interest to be paid in advance without the need for there to be an interest balance.
- “Balance Due Interest” can now become negative (minimim 0.00 in previous versions)
- “Interest Charged” and “Interest Charged (2)”, which can be renamed. Allows the user to add interest without needing to increase the interest rate
- 10 new Payment-type lines (Paid Pmt 11x to 20x). These payments do not include their “Unpaid” counterparts and only include, for the reports, the amounts per se. The reporting fields that subdivide Interest, Principal, Column fees and APR Fees financed portions are not included.
- “Paid interest”. Allows interest to be paid in advance without the need for there to be an interest balance.
- The MLM Administrator may now define Mandatory fields so they must be filled by the user before saving the Record, the Borrower, the Creditor and/or the Employer. Custom fields are also included
- Alerts module:
- Automatic emails to notify Borrowers, Co-Borrowers and / or other e-mail addresses (blind carbon copy, BCC) that a payment is due, late, unpaid, etc. (Line status-type Alerts)
- Data merge templates (subject and body message) for these automatic emails
- Post payment tool via Excel:
- New option that allows updating Due pmts via an Excel sheet simply with one of the Record’s unique identifiers and the precise payment Date and Amount
- Creditor participation:
- Return (in percentage) given to each creditor in a loan. Can then be used in Mathematical Equations to report Creditor’s monthly interest revenue share.
- New reporting fields:
- Principal amount converted to words (“115” becomes “one hundred fifteen”). To be used in the templates for the Document merge (Letters, Invoices and Statements).
- Last Paid payment (all Paid Line statuses)(in period) – Expected Pmt Amount
- Last Paid payment (all Paid Line statuses)(in period) – True Pmt Date (Grace)
- Last Paid/Unpaid payment (only Paid and Unpaid Line statuses)(in period) – Expected Pmt Amount
- Last Paid/Unpaid payment (only Paid and Unpaid Line statuses)(in period) – True Pmt Date (Grace)
- Changes in the accounting Principal
- “Paid Principal” can now be greater than the Principal balance
- “Balance Due Principal” can now become negative (minimum 0.00 in previous versions)
- Accounting (GL report). New optional notes that accompany the transactions:
- Record, Borrower and Creditor Unique ID 1 and 2
- Record Type
- Find Unmanaged Records (those that remain as “Due Pmt” on the current date or x days before) directly in the Main window
- Overnight tasks using Windows “Task Schedule” to compute the new balances in the Main window and to generate Alerts – this saves considerable time when MLM is first run in the morning.
- Creditor First and Last names in Record window header (optional)
- New print interface offering more options
- Direct scan from the Attached documents module (Record and Borrower) – scan your documents at the touch of the button
- Handy Calculator now added in the Results table window
Version 4.3 – Released October 6, 2017
(Version 4.3.170201.4)
What’s new:
- New and highly specialized field allowing you to obtain the amount of capitalized interest: Line status Other 3 (Mathematical Principal column (for period) + 1 day) (see more in Reporting Fields – Principal section)
- Fixed the report fields “Interest accrued since last payment (paid or unpaid)”
- Fixed the report fields “Balance Column Fees (1 to 3) at end date”. Problem when there were no transactions in the reporting period
- Changed the term “Balance” to “For period” for the fields that report the “unpaid portions” of the expected payment amount. These various fields (merge codes 704, 791 to 799, 800, 818, 828) do not show the balances at the end of report period date but rather a periodic total, not a cumulative total.
Version 4.3 – Released May 18, 2017
(Version 4.3.170201.3)
What’s new:
- Posting payments through an Excel sheet (with unique line identifier) now allows for grace date.
- Issue with Results table column, user preferences fixed.
- Right mouse click menu in Results table modified.
Version 4.3 – Released February 21, 2017
(Version 4.3.170201.2)
What’s new:
- Read-only user can now be given permission (by Administrator) to post payments with any of these tools:
- Post payment module – Post payment tool
- Post payment module – Existing (Due) payment update through a spreadsheet
- Post payment module – New payment import through a spreadsheet
Version 4.3 – Released February 1, 2017
(Version 4.3.170201.1)
What’s new:
- New calculation method that can be used automatically: simple interest capitalized.
- In the Main window, display filters now allow you to choose multiple data elements and multiple fields to display desired Records (example: display Active and Draft Records).
- Interest rate now computed to six (6) decimal places and displayed with 0 to 6 decimals.
- Nine (9) new columns (Custom Columns) that may be named as desired in the Results Table, allowing the entry of Monetary, Numerical, or Text data. This is useful for Escrow (insurance and property taxes) by allowing creditors to specify when they pay the insurance company and/or the city (Escrow Report).
- 18 new fields for various reports:
- Total amount entered in the Columns (by period) – Money and Numerical (6 fields)
- Total amount entered in the Columns from the Origination Date to the Report end date – Monetary and Numerical (6 fields)
- Total amount entered in the Column Fees (1, 2, or 3) (Accrued) from the Origination Date to the Report end date (3 fields)
- Total of amounts entered in the Column Fees (1, 2, or 3) (Paid) from the Origination Date to the Report end date (3 fields)
- In the Transaction Report, transactions resulting from these new Columns
- 18 new fields for various reports:
- Irregular Payments may be entered in a window before the Results Table is produced.
- Record List (Customized) report can now be divided by Year, Quarter and Month.
- Record Alerts may now be created in the Alerts display module (under Tools).
- Alerts module: if multiple email addresses are included under the Borrower, email now sent to all of these (carbon copy)
- Automatic Column Fees are now available for the Line Statuses “Paid Pmt 2” to “Paid Pmt 10.”
- Automatic Column Fees may now be configured to generate an amount of 0,00 (for example, tax or insurance invoiced that becomes 0,00 if payment is unpaid).
- For pre-authorized payments (EFT) with Perceptech (Canada), older unpaid payments (less than 173 days) may be submitted.
- Unique Line ID for each line in a Results Table (available in the Transactions report and in the Accounting entries report).
- In the new payments report via Excel sheet, new options:
- Import one of multiple transaction types (Due payment, Paid payment, Additional Principal, Information (Payment = 0,00), etc.) in one operation
- Additional data imported in the Payment schedule columns:
- Line Comment, Check number, Grace date, Custom columns (3 text type columns)
- Import of fixed principal payments without first needing to refund all accrued and outstanding interest
- Payment update tool via an Excel sheet and Unique Line ID
- New reporting fields:
- “Payment Method” (entered in the Record’s “Data” tab)
- Balance at 0:00 at report Start Date (excluding any transaction on that day and Principal (Original))
- Balance computational at 0:00 at report Start Date (excluding any transaction on that day and Principal (Original))
- Balance Due Principal at 0:00 at report Start Date (excluding any transaction on that day and Principal (Original))
- APR – Balance Due Fees Financed at 0:00 at report Start Date (excluding any transaction on that day).
- Active EFT Account Number for the Record.
- 78 fields for the PAID principal, Interest, APR Fees Financed, and Column Fees (3 types) according to “Payment” type Line statuses now included in the Mathematical Equations.
- Global changes to the database (batch changes) — new added fields for the Borrower.
- In the pre-authorized payments (EFT) submission window, new Column containing the Line status (Due Pmt, Due Payment 1 or 2 – renamed).
- Printing the Results table:
- When the Origination date is before the current date, the interest rate displayed will be that at the Origination date, not 0.00%
- New option allows to print the lines contained in the Results table without including the accrued interest when annual or quarterly totals are requested
- In the Record window header:
- Choice of data to be displayed in the window header among: Borrower First and Last names, Borrower Company, File number, etc.
- Display by Record Unique ID (1 and 2)
- Sort by Record Color in the Main window (with the Record Color field)
- Record import via an Excel sheet:
- “Fixed principal” method now allowed
- “Payments set to 0.00” now allowed
- Post payment tool:
- Font size can now be increased with
- Font size can now be increased with
- In the Data window, the “New Record” link renamed to “Modify/New Record”.
Version 4.2 – Released June 27, 2016
(Version 4.2.160627.1)
Changes and improvements:
- Great increase in system speed.
- Column Fees can now be added automatically taking into account special criteria (Unpaid payment, Late payment, etc.). The Margill Administrator can create his/her own rules (fee amount or percentage).
- Major improvements in the Post-payment tool:
- Change “Due Pmt” not only to Paid or Unpaid but also to Late or Partial or both with the option to add Column Fees and make other changes
- Easily update Records by displaying not only “Due Pmts” but all payment types (Paid, Unpaid, etc.). Most useful when multiple payments were posted as paid but had bounced afterwards.
- Display only those payments that the user wishes to update as opposed to system default. This can be done manually or though an Excel sheet.
- Record Unique Identifier 1 and 2 as well as the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Account Number now displayed in the payments table.
- Special color assigned to a Record via this window
- Bulk Import of payments (Due Pmt, Paid Pmt, Additional principal, etc.) via an Excel sheet in an existing Record.
- New tool to perform global changes in the database (batches changes). The following fields can now be modified without having to open each Record or Borrower individually:
- Record:
- Record Status and Sub-status
- For example, it is now possible to change 136 Record statuses from Draft to Active
- Record Type
- Record Owner (was already available)
- Activation of Automatic Column Fees
- 9 custom fields for a Record
- Currency
- File Number, File Number (Numerical), Record Date, Accounting ID, Unique Record IDs 1 and 2
- Credit Limit for a Record
- 9 Custom fields
- Unlimited Custom fields
- Record Status and Sub-status
- Borrowers:
- Borrower Owner (was already available)
- Unique ID 1 and 2
- 9 Custom fields
- Unlimited Custom fields
- Many more coming in future versions
- Record:
- New Lines statuses: “Due Pmt (2)” and “Due Pmt (3)” (that can be renamed). For example, “Due Pmt – Cash”
- New reporting fields:
- 78 new fields for the PAID Principal, Interest, APR Fees Financed and Column Fees (3 types) according to “Payment” type Line statuses:
- Paid Pmt
- Paid Pmt 2 to 10 (as renamed)(54 fields!)
- Paid Pmt Returned Check
- Add. Pmt
- Partial Pmt, Partial Late Pmt, Late Pmt
- 205 new fields to identify up to 9 Co-Borrowers and 9 Guarantors
- Balance Due Principal (at Current Date)
- APR – Balance Fees Financed (at Current Date)
- Record Creation Date
- Other 3 (Principal)(Line status)(for period)
- Template 6 for the Results table (detailed lines) (Document merge)
- 78 new fields for the PAID Principal, Interest, APR Fees Financed and Column Fees (3 types) according to “Payment” type Line statuses:
- Maximum credit by Borrower (for Active Records only) based on one of these four criteria:
- Total original Principal
- Total original Principal and all Additional Principal Line statuses
- True Balance (Principal, Interest, Fees, etc.) at the current date
- Balance of the Principal and the Fees Financed (APR) at the current date
- New option to add a Guarantor to a Loan
- Record Notes are now accessible and can be changed from the Alerts display module
- Conditional Alerts can now be applied to future Active Records (in order to create particular data entry rules)
- Executive Summary report – option to exclude empty fields from the report
- New special payment method, ”Simple Interest” (and no longer only Simple Interest Capitalized), for specific payment lines (usually for Short periods)
- Correction of some totals and balances in reports when special special short methods are used in a payment schedule (mix of simple interest capitalized and other lines compound interest payments)
- Management of the zip/postal code and telephone number format import for the borrowers (via Excel)
- Option allowing special Records to be highlighted by color in the Main MLM window
- Improved email connection settings for sending batch emails
- Records become ”Read-only” when the Payment Update tool is used.
- Display issues fixed when Windows display (size of text, apps, and other items) is at 125%, 150%, etc.
Version 4.1 (.7 update) – Released March 3, 2016
(Version 4.1.150525.7)
What’s new:
- Four new fields that factor in the “True Pmt Date” (Grace/EFT)” as the date of transaction for the Record List (Customized) and Document merge reports:
- Interest Paid (for period)(using Grace/EFT Date)
- Principal Paid (for period)(using Grace/EFT Date)
- Interest Paid – Year-to-date (from January 1 to report End Date)(using Grace/EFT Date)
- Principal Paid – Year-to-date (from January 1 to report End Date)(using Grace/EFT Date)
- The ”Expected Pmt” column amount can now be changed for Line statuses ”Other 1 to 10”
Version 4.1 (.6 update) – Released November 6, 2015
(Version 4.1.150525.6)
Corrections :
- In the Accounting report (export to General Ledger) correction of the following variables to factor in the “True Pmt Date (Grace/EFT)” when a payment is made. Previously, even if a date was entered in the “True Pmt Date (Grace/EFT)” column, the Payment Date was used:
- Interest Paid (for period)
- Principal Paid (for period)
- APR – Fees Financed Paid (for period)(for all APR Fees Financed)
- The five (5) individually segmented “Paid Fees Financed (APR)”
- In the Accounting report (export to General Ledger):
- Correction of the three (3) “Paid Column Fees” variables. Now report the “Payment Date” or the “True Pmt Date (Grace/EFT)” as opposed to report end date.
- Various adjustments to the report.
- Warning no longer shows when the Grace date precedes the payment date.
- Warnings not related to the report’s time period no longer show.
(Version 4.1.150525.5)
Changes and improvements:
- Participation percentage of each of the Borrowers and Co-borrowers
- New option to tag a Borrower as a “bad payer” (or other) in order for a warning to be given to the user if this person or entity is selected as a Borrower or as a Co-borrower in a loan. The warning message may be adapted for each Borrower. For example: “Do not lend to this person.”
(Version 4.1.150525.3)
Changes and improvements:
- Import of multiple Records at once (regular payment schedule portion) from an Excel sheet (support is required from the Margill team – fees are involved)
- Detailed report (Results table) now with the option to include interest and transactions of the report end date
- New templates of the Results table in the document merge report
- New fields:
- Computational Balance of the last Transaction (in period)
- Computational Balance of the last Paid/Unpaid payment (only Paid and Unpaid Line statuses)(in period)
- True Balance of the last Transaction (in period)
- New fields:
- Various fixes to version 4.1
(Version 4.1.150526.1)
Changes and improvements:
- New report: Custom Executive Dashboard including amounts and number of Records by categories, averages and pie chart
- New report: Custom Transactions report by Line status, data from Results table columns (payment amount, accrued interest, paid interest, fees, comment, check number, etc.) and option to include hundreds of other fields
- New module to manage returned Checks (NSF)
- New data columns in the Results table:
- Check number
- Date of returned check
- Date at which the NSF check was compensated
- New data columns in the Results table:
- New module to manage returned Checks (NSF)
- Search
now possible for most of the columns of the Post payment tool
- Search
- New fields:
- Interest rate at the report end date
- Interest rate at the current date
- Proportion, as a percentage, of each the Fees Financed (APR) in relation to the total of all Fees Financed (APR)
- Paid Financed Fees (1 to 5) (APR)(based on the proportion of each to the total of the paid Financed Fees (APR)
- Number of days of delinquency
- New fields:
- Options via Tools > Users allowing the Margill Administrator to prohibit certain users from deleting Records, Borrowers, Creditors or Employers
- Multi-creditor module:
- For loans with multiple Creditors, possibility of extracting Creditor data according to the name of these creditors (as opposed to their position in the Creditor loan table – Creditor 1, 2, 3)
- Extraction of the following data:
- Company name
- Name and First Name (if Creditor is an individual)
- Participation in percentage
- Participation in currency
- Possibility of using Mathematical Equations to extract hundreds of other data elements.
- Multi-creditor module:
- Search tool
for loans from the Main window now allows a search using multiple criteria. For example, First Name AND Family Name (or multiple other criteria) can be used as opposed to a search with only one field at a time in version 4.0.
- Search tool
- Significant increase in the refresh time of Records in the Main window (Record Summary) with the new “Fast Search Mode” (Tools > Settings > User Settings > Record Summary window). Particularly useful for the larger databases (over 1000 loans)
- In the printed Detailed Schedule will be displayed in the heading, the nominal and effective interest rates in effect, either at the date at which the report is produced or at the end date of the report (if the loan is terminated at the current date or if the report is produced up to this date). In the previous versions, the rate was that originally entered in the Data window.
- Tool that extracts all the files Attached to the loans (Tools > Various)
- In the Main window and in the Results table, new icons
in order to enlarge or reduce the size of the text (previously done by the “Ctrl Arrow up or down” shortcut)
- Correction of the refund sequence of Fees Financed (APR) for a particular scenario
- Adjustments to the credit reporting module
- Change in the APR calculation method when the balance is positive
- Files can now be attached directly in to a Record using the “Attach” button
- Unique identifiers for the Employer
Version 4.0 – Released December 12, 2014
(Version 4.0.141212.1)
Four most important improvements:
1. Fees by column (a host of new powerful possibilities).
2. Documents merge now creating PDF documents that can be sent in bulk by email.
3. APR module completely redone with new powerful fee options (for easy add-on interest calculations).
4. Search tool that displays, in the Main window, the desired records based on various search criteria.
Changes and improvements:
- Fees module which allows the user to add fees, insurance or taxes in column format as opposed to lines in the Results table. These fees (or other) can then be isolated more easily from an accounting perspective. Up to three (3) types of fees can be added as column fees. Corresponding fields for the reports.
- Significant improvement of APR calculations (Annual Percentage Rate).
- Possibility of including financed, prepaid or subsequently paid fees in the loan.
- New columns in the Payment Schedule:
- Paid fees (when financed fees added in the APR tab).
- APR financed fees balance.
- Corresponding fields for the reports.
- For the Document Merge tool (Letters, Contracts, Invoices and Statements):
- Export and print in PDF format (direct PDF or though Word 2007 and up to obtain a more sophisticated visual).
- In one operation, it is now possible to:
- save as PDF or RTF
- send the document(s) in batch by e-mail
- attach the document(s) to the Record
- For the Dates fields, new date format options (short, medium or long format) are now available.
- New Results tables that can be integrated to the merged document:
- Summary format (2 columns with payment amount and date)
- Schedule from the loan’s Origination date to report end date (even if the report start start date is after the Origination date)
- Schedule that includes PAID (as opposed to accrued) interest, principal, fees financed (APR) and the 3 Column Fees, as well as the Principal balance
- In the Main window, search tool that displays the desired records based on various search criteria related to the Borrower, Creditor or Record.
- In the the accounting report (export to General Ledger), a new tab displays the total of Debits and Credits by account.
- For Draft users, option that allows these users to enter Notes and to Attach files to all records as opposed to only Draft records.
- Change of certain terms in the software for better differentiation between interest and principal Accrued/Mathematical vs Paid.
- ”Interest” becomes ”Accrued Interest”
- ”Principal” becomes ”Mathematical Principal”
- In the Results table, the columns whose data may be changed are now indicated with an asterisk: *.
- Option in the Settings allowing the “Expected Pmt” to be changed to another amount when the Line status is ‘Due Pmt”.
- In the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) module, new option allowing the user to change the “Expected Payment” amount for easy Outstanding amount calculation.
- New option which allows the user to enter a payment of 0,00 instead of the automatic calculation.
- For Mathematical Equations, many current date fields now included.
- In the Record list (Customized) report, fields calculated on current date were added.
- New features for Interest-only and Fixed principal calculations using Compound interest (these options were already available for Simple interest):
- Automatic calculation of the required payment amount to pay any accrued interest and column fees first (new default method)
- Other options for:
- Payment of line’s current interest and column fees (previous default method)
- Payment of a defined amount of the principal before paying the interest and column fees (not conventional method)
- New fields in the Record List (Customized) report, Document Merge tool and in the Accounting Entries report, that can be displayed in the Main window:
- Payments frequency that includes the frequency when payments are made every X days. Exemple : Weekly, Twice weekly, etc.
- Data relating to Co-Borrowers 1, 2 and 3
- Multiple fields relating to APR and US Truth in Lending Act
- Original principal reported only if origination date is within the reporting dates
- Original principal plus APR Fees Financed reported only if origination date is within the reporting dates
- Attached files (Number) for the Record and the Borrower
- Attached files (Size) for the Record and the Borrower
- For the United States, Electronic funds transfers (ACH) with Wells Fargo Bank (NACHA file).
- Displays column totals in the Results table.
- Numerical sorting (as oppose to text) in the Main MLM window of the text fields that only contain only numerals.
- Option to add a corporate logo on the Main MLM window.
- Improvement of the interest adjustment for the last line of a Results table (Balance = x).
- As of version 4.0 of Margill Loan Manager, the “Computational Balance” of the last line of the Results Table will always display the balance used to compute the interest, and not, as in earlier versions for simple interest calculations, the true balance. Non-interest bearing principal, fees or others had been excluded in earlier versions and continue to be in versions 4.0 and beyond.
- Interruption of the majority of calculations and reports by pressing Ctrl + C keys.
- Multiple other adjustments and fixes to earlier versions.
Version 3.2 – Released February 20, 2014
(Version 3.2.140212.2)
Changes and improvements:
- For reporting, ability for users to create their own Mathematical Equations with all of MLM’s numerical (as well as monetary and percentage) fields. For example, adding or subtracting several fields to give a total.
- Conditional Alerts. Alerts based on mathematical conditions that are fulfilled over time. For example, a user could create an alert that would advise him when the total of the principal + interest becomes greater than the amount entered in the Maximum Credit field.
- Ability to view upcoming Alerts as opposed to only present and historical alerts.
- RTF Merge Fields can be inserted in abbreviated format making it easier to create documents (eg &&CAPinit&AddPrinc&& becomes |23|)
- Location (Path) of system data (database and others) may now be located in a folder other than the Margill Loan Manager installation folder.
- Location of the backup copy defined by the Administrator.
- In the Post payment tool, new column to enter the “Expected payment” amount.
- New fields:
- Maximum Credit (Amount)
- Interest to be paid at the next Due Pmt (as if Paid)(entire loan)
- Principal to be paid at the next Due Pmt (as if Paid) (entire loan)
- Outstanding – Interest portion at Report End Date
- Outstanding – Principal portion at Report End Date
- Computational Balance at report End Date
- Computational Balance at 0:00 at report Start Date (excluding any transaction on that day)
- For each reporting field (more than 350), descriptive text now included in the software (previously available in the User Guide only).
- The borrower, creditor and employer import tool by batch (from an Excel sheet) allows the user to save an Import Format in order to reimport data at any time without the need to reconfigure the import tool.
- Tool to find specific Line statuses (for example, find all records with the “Not set” Line status and fix this).
- Major User Guide update to version 3.2.
- Calculator added in the Results table.
- Various adjustments to version 3.1.
- Updated Licence Agreement.
Version 3.1 – Released on November 19, 2013
(Version 3.1.131119.5)
Changes and improvements:
- Electronic Funds Transfer: Module to automatically perform regular and direct bank account debits (ACH, Pre-authorized payments) or credit card debits (in collaboration with partners in the United States and Canada). Please note: The US EFT module has been delayed after our EFT partner was acquired and the new entity could not honor the contract.
- Option in a payment schedule to insert Fees, Insurance or Tax lines automatically based on the balance of the previous line (as a percentage) or as a fixed amount. The Fees (or other) based on a percentage of the balance, are automatically recalculated as the balance changes.
- The Post Payment tool now allows to post Unpaid payments (thus payment = 0.00) and to post payments to any of the ten (10) custom payment types.
- The Post Payment tool now allows to find all “Due Pmt” between two specific dates.
- All Borrower, Employer and Creditor fields are now displayed in the table listing each (main MLM window under File). Sorting is thus possible (by clicking on header) based on criteria other than name, first name and company.
- Basic data may be extracted (in reports) for the Co-Borrowers (Borrowers 2 and 3).
- Borrower, Creditor and Employer data may be imported in batch from a spreadsheet (Excel format) to Margill Loan Manager.
- Quick Print for Invoices/Statements/Contracts (RTF document merge) and for some Custom reports (directly with the “Print” button in the Record window).
- Five (5) new “Additional Principal” Line statuses that may be named as desired.
- Three (3) new “Paid Pmt” Line statuses that may be named as desired (so a total of 10 Paid-type Line statuses).
- Shortcut allowing to change the majority of Line statuses to Due Pmt.
- Option to attach a PDF Results table in a Record with one click and to send this payment schedule by email.
- For document merges (RTF format) it is now possible to specify the margins, paper orientation and page numbering.
- Add up to three (3) additional Record Display filters for the Main window (Record Summary). Choose among the Record’s Unlimited custom fields (Table format).
- Unlimited (table format) custom fields default values are now automatically entered in the loan, borrower or creditor (no need to specifically check to enter the default values).
- Field name harmonization
- New fields in Record List (Customized) report, RTF reports (merges), Accounting Export module, and that can be displayed in the main window:
- Loan – Number of Days
- Loan Origination Date + 12 months
- Additional Principal (multiple new Line statuses)
- Record Unique ID 1 and 2
- Creditor Unique ID 1 and 2
- Borrower Unique ID 1 and 2
- Co-Borrower 1 and 2 data (identification data)
- Creditor 2 and 3 data (identification data and participation)
- Interest paid since last Paid or Unpaid payment (multiple new fields and options)
- Last payment (various options: date, balance, amount, etc.)
- Balance of line for the last Paid or Unpaid payment (whole loan or period chosen)
- Improved unlimited Custom fields (Table format). Text and text scroll menus can now take up to 1000 characters (before maximum 100). Carriage returns (paragraphs) are now also possible.
- Log (History) of changes can now be seen for multiple records at a time and for the selected dates. New fields added in the log.
- Two optional rights for a Read-only user: write and delete Notes and add and delete Attached Documents .
- Notes and Attachments for Borrowers.
- List of Record associated to Borrowers and Creditors.
- Special calculation method for short periods (or other), “Simple interest capitalized” over 366 days.
- Only a user with Administrator rights may delete or copy more than one record at a time in the main Margill window.
- When producing reports, in order to avoid missing records, the number of records selected and displayed in the Main window is provided and compared to the total number of records that can be accessed by this user and the total records in the system.
- The default Windows currency’s 3 to 5 letter Abbreviation can now be set.
- Two new “Unique ID” fields under the loan itself, for bridging with a third-party software.
- Transfer of multiple Borrowers, Employers or Creditors from one user to another in one operation (right mouse click, Administrator only).
- Abnormal software shutdown by a user no longer needs to be reset by the Administrator for login.
Version 3.0 – Released February 2013
(Version 3.0.130213.2)
Changes and improvements:
- Database restructured allowing to create a list of borrowers (and co-borrowers), creditors and employers (borrower’s employer):
- Tabs on the main window to quickly view the borrowers, creditors and employers registered in the system;
- Add borrowers, creditors and employers without the need to create and calculate a loan;
- A loan may include one or many co-borrowers;
- A borrower’s employer may be added;
- Ability to create syndicated (participating) loans (multiple creditors for a loan based on a proportion);
- A creditor may now have several agents.
- Module for sending reports to credit agencies (additional software required for the Metro 2 format)
- Many standardized new fields for production of this report.
- Aging report by industry-standard periods such as Current for < 30 days, 30-59 days, etc.
- Change the interest rates for multiple records at once.
- Size of the attachments can be adjusted up to 99 MB by the Administrator.
- Reporting fields now classified and based on themes.
- New fields:
- Next Due Payment – Balance (as if paid)
- Next Due Payment – receivable Principal Balance (as if paid)
- Option to allow monthly payments at the end of month or on the 28, 29, 30 or 31 of the month.
- Two new “Unique ID” fields under borrower and creditor, for bridging with a third-party software.
- Remembers the previous dates entered when producing reports.
- Optimization of the Undo function and the transaction history.
Version 2.4 – Released November 27, 2012
(Version 2.4.121127.1)
Changes and improvements:
- “Power User” may now create Alerts for all users.
- In the “Record List (Customized)” report, the fields “Balance Due Interest at Start Date entered” and “Balance Due Principal at Start Date entered” now EXCLUDE any transactions on that Start date entered. Fields renamed to:
- Balance Due Interest at 0.00 at Start Date entered (report excluding any transaction on the Start Date entered)
- Balance Due Principal at 0.00 at Start Date entered (report excluding any transaction on the Start Date entered)
- In the “Record List (Customized)” report, “Report up to (Date)”, the following fields were fixed to include the amounts when the loan’s last payment precedes the report End date entered:
- Interest Accrued – Year to date
- Interest Paid – Year to date
- Principal Paid Year to date
- Various other minor adjustments to previous version.
Version 2.4 – Released May 17, 2012
(Version 2.4.120517.1)
Changes and improvements:
- For the Export accounting transactions to the General ledger module, new option to first select the desired Active records in the Main window (Record Summary) and export only the transactions among these.
- For accounting, new field added:
- “Due Interest between Expected Payments (Period)” that computes the due interest (thus interest that should have been paid) between the previous period’s payment and the current payment if the latter is insufficient to pay off the interest due.
- For accounting, change in reporting for the “Interest Accrued from last Payment “Paid” (for the period)” field. The field takes into account only the accrued interest during the report period all the while reporting the accrued interest even if no payment is made in this period.
- For the six (6) custom Line statuses “Paid Pmt (X)”, new option to enter the amount expected and date at which the payment should have been paid, thus allowing partial, late or partial late payments with these Line statuses.
- Various other fixes of the previous version 2.4 release.
Version 2.4 – Released February 14, 2012
(Version 2.4.120214.1)
Changes and improvements:
- New module to Export accounting transactions (credits and debits) to the General ledger of various accounting packages:
- Intuit QuickBooks Pro (.IIF)
- Sage Simply Accounting Pro
- Acomba
- Excel (.XLS)
- Text format (.TXT)
- CSV format (.CSV)
- In the Main window (Record Summary) optional new field
- Total of the Outstanding amount (including interest) at the current date
- Major developments with the Line statuses (in the Results table):
- New Line status that may be named as desired (for example, Payment by Visa, Payment by check, Fees Annual, etc.):
- Paid payment (2 to 6)
- Unpaid payments (2 to 6)
- Fees (4 to 6) Fees Paid (4 to 6)
- Other (6 to 10)
- Existing Line statuses may be renamed:
- “Fees” (all)
- “Fees Paid” (all)
- “Other” (all)
- The display order of all Line statuses can be modified
- The Line statuses that are not used in your particular circumstances may be eliminated
- New Line status that may be named as desired (for example, Payment by Visa, Payment by check, Fees Annual, etc.):
- Three columns added in the Results table:
- Interest on Outstanding Balance
- Balance of Interest on Outstanding Balance
- Total Outstanding Balance
- New fields in Record List (Customized) report, RTF reports (merge), Accounting Export module, and main window:
- Interest Accrued from last Payment “Paid” but for the period only
- Interest on Outstanding Balance (for the period)
- Outstanding – Total (Variation for the period)
- Interest Balance on Outstanding Balance (Balance) at Start Date entered
- Interest Balance on Outstanding Balance (Balance) at End Date entered
- Outstanding – Total (Balance) at Start Date entered
- Outstanding – Total (Balance) at End Date entered
- Sort data with up to three columns in the Main window (Ctrl key).
- Transfer the “ownership” of Records to a different user directly through the main window (Record Summary window) with the right mouse clic.
- Corrections to version 2.3:
- Standard reports adjusted for additional principal, negative payments, end date transactions and interest included or not in computation
- Calculated fields for reports:
- Balance Due Principal at Start Date entered
- Balance of line of last Paid payment (all “Paid” Line statuses)
- Negative payments
- Outstanding variation for the period has been inversed (more logical this way)
- Multiple behind the scenes adjustments.
Version 2.3 – November 11, 2011
(Version 2.3.111111.1)
Changes and improvements since the September 14th version:
- New user privilege level: create and edit Records that are in “Draft” state only.
- New “Notes” section allowing the user to add and view general notes in a Record.
- In the Main window, new field can be configured to provide the “Interest Accrued from the last paid payment to the current date”.
- In the Results table, new option to instantly recompute (adjust) the interest rate for a line in order to obtain a known interest amount for that line (or period) only.
- In the Detailed payment schedule report, the following elements can now be excluded from the printed report:
- “Start Date” column
- “Interest Rate” column
- Header: Data window “Description”
- Header: Borrower window “Other info”
- In the Detailed payment schedule report the record numbers now appear in the printed report’s footer.
- New fields in Record List (Customized) report, RTF reports (merge)(and main window):
- Balance Due Interest at Start Date entered
- Balance Due Principal at Start Date entered
- Display of the date and time at which the Record was last updated.
- Main window refresh speed optimized.
Version 2.3 – September 14, 2011
Click on the image to see a short video explaining the main changes and improvements (Youtube) | ![]() |
What’s new in detail:
- New option allowing to add Principal, Fees (Fees, Fees 1, Fees 2), Insurance, Taxes, Penalties and Invoices without charging interest on these.
- Scroll menus may be created for the following fields:
- Borrower window: Type, State/Prov., Country and the nine (9) custom fields
- Custom fields (unlimited): All fields
- Advanced window: Grace period (in days)
- Most fields available in MLM can now appear in the Main window thus allowing to view and sort with the data contained in these.
- In the Main window, new field can be configured to provide balance on current date.
- New fields in Record List (Customized) report, RTF reports (merge)(and main window):
- File Number (as a number, not text)
- Today’s date – long format
- Computation method (Simple, Compound, etc.)
- Day count
- Short period computation method
- Year base (anniversary or civil year) for simple interest computations
- Balance of line of last Paid payment (all “Paid” Line statuses)
- Amount of last Paid pmt (all “Paid” Line statuses)
- Total of Fees 1 + Fees 2 + Fees 3
- Total of Fees 1 Paid + Fees 2 Paid + Fees 3 Paid
- Principal Total Principal Total (interest bearing portion)
- Principal Total (no interest portion)
- Additional Principal (Line Status = Add. Princ.) (interest bearing portion)
- Additional Principal (Line Status = Add. Princ.) (no interest portion)
- Principal Total (for the period)
- Principal Total (interest bearing portion) (for the period)
- Principal Total (no interest portion) (for the period)
- Portfolio analysis: Repayment ratio
- The 9 Custom fields contained in the “Borrower” window now appear in the Payment Update tool.
- The Custom fields (unlimited) can now be used in the RTF Report Editor as document merge fields.
- Line numbering in the Results table.
- New data merge module allowing the creation of very precise scanned (PDF) custom reports.
- “File” field entered by the user (“Borrower” window) now appears in active Record’s header.
- In the “Results Table”, 100 spaces (characters) now allowed in the “Comment” column.
- In the “Data” window, unlimited number of spaces in the “Description” box.
- “Mobile” phone field added for Borrower and Creditor.
- New Record status: “On hold”.
- “File Number” (as a number not text) added for Borrower (in order to sort by numerical order).
- The file number or numbers entered by the user will now appear in the record window header.
- For new installations, option to start each Record’s unique identifier at a specific number other than 1 or 100 (“Record no.” field).
- In the Record List (Customized) report, the 9 Custom fields contained in the “Borrower” window have been moved from the “Special” column to the “Borrower” column.
- Various “behind the scenes” improvements and corrections.
- Knowledge base added on the Margill website:
- Updated User Guide.
Version 2.2 – December 3, 2010
- Major new Alert module that includes four (4) types of alerts:
- System Alerts: General alerts for one or all users.
- Line status Alerts: Alerts based on the Line status conditions.Most useful for due payments.
- Record Alerts: General alerts but specific to each record.
- Record Line-specific Alerts: In the Results table of each record, on each payment line
- New sub-statuses for Active Records as well as the corresponding Metro 2 code (for credit reporting agencies). Option to show only certain sub categories in the main window. These fields have also been added in the Custom Record List report and in RTF (merge reports)
- Current (0)
- Deferred payment
- Late payment
- Late payment 30-59 days (1)
- Late payment 60-89 days (2)
- Late payment 90-119 days (3)
- Late payment 120-149 days (4)
- Late payment 150-179 days (5)
- Late payment 180 days or more (6)
- Collection (G)
- Foreclosure completed (H)
- Voluntary surrender (J)
- Repossession (K)
- Option allowing for a grace period for late payments. Thus, even if a payment is late by x days, no extra interest is charged to the borrower. However, the feature is not automated but a new column was created in the Results table in which to insert the true payment date if a grace period is given. See Advanced settings to set the Grace period for each Record.
- Bi-monthly payment frequencies no longer limited to the 1st and 15th of the month.
- Annual interest rate up to 999%.
- New Line status – “Paid Returned Check”.
- Option to add the actual Results table (with various data elements) in the RTF (merge) reports.
- Multiple new fields in Record List (Customized) report and RTF reports (merge):
- New columns in the Results table allowing you to determine the outstanding payments balance. The “Outstanding (Balance)” column factors in the payment that should have been paid less the true payment amount as well as the extra payment that compensates the unpaid or partial payments.
- New columns in the Results table:
- True Pmt Date (Grace)
- Outstanding (Balance)
- Alert to accomplish
- Alert Days Before – / After +
- New columns in the Invoices and Statements module:
- Phone
- Creditor
- Expected payment
- True payment date (Grace)
- Outstanding (Balance)
- Maximum file size attached to a record now up to 2 Meg (was 1 Meg in version 2.1).
- Backup of the software and the database now in Tools.
- Shortcut summaries with F2.
- Link to check Internet connection (Tools, Settings)
- Menu button changes and optimization.
- Various other fixes and process optimization.
Version 2.1 – April 12, 2010
(2.1.100412.1)- Improved Line status navigation (simplified constraints)
- Various adjustments of version 2.0 which was a major update
Version 2.0 – February 9, 2010
(2.0.100209.1)- New custom data fields (unlimited number) that may be included in Record List (Customized) report.
- Multiple currencies within the same portfolio.
- In Record List Customized, conversion of various currencies based on exchange rate to selected base currency or to any other.
- Unique log on by the same user name.
- Record access blocked to one user. Other users in read-only.
- Multiple new Line statuses:
- Fees paid
- Fees 2
- Fees 2 paid
- Fees 3
- Fees 3 paid
- Invoice paid
- Penalty
- Penalty paid
- Insurance
- Insurance paid
- Taxes
- Taxes Paid
- Investment
- Investment withdrawal
- Deposit
- Other 4
- Other 5
- Adjustment
- Information
- Not set
- New data integrity constraints (takes into account Line status and the amounts indicated for these payments as well as logical parameters).
- For accounting: actual paid interest, due interest, refunded principal, due principal (if Line status = Paid pmt, Partial pmt or Late pmt, Add. pmt) can now be obtained easily.
- Over 10 new columns in the Result table offering additional information (for example: balance prior to payment, interest paid, principal paid, scheduled payment date, different balances, etc.).
- Column identifying the minimum payment to be paid.
- Optional adjustment on Payment as opposed to preset Fixed principal amount or interest portion for an Interest-only payment. Multiple new refunding options particularly fro SImple interest calculations.
- Automatically calculated fixed principal refund amount to yield balance = 0.00 or X.
- Multiple (over 40) new data elements in Record List (Customized) report and RTF reports (merge):
- Current date
- Amortization period less 1 payment
- Amortization period less 2 payments
- Interest rate (nominal end effective) quoted on a monthly basis
- First Payment Amount (> 0.00)
- First Payment Date (Pmt > 0.00)
- Last Payment Amount (> 0.00)
- Last Payment Date (Pmt > 0.00)
- Currency – Symbol
- Currency – Abbreviation
- Fees Paid (Line Status = Fees Paid)
- Fees 2 (Line Status = Fees 2)
- Fees 2 Paid (Line Status = Fees 2 Paid)
- Fees 3 (Line Status = Fees 3)
- Fees 3 Paid (Line Status = Fees 3 Paid)
- Adjustment (Line Status = Adjustment)
- Invoices Paid (Line Status = Invoice Paid)
- Insurance (Line Status = Insurance)
- Insurance Paid (Line Status = Insurance Paid)
- Tax (Line Status = Tax)
- Tax Paid (Line Status = Tax Paid)
- Penalty (Line Status = Penalty)
- Penalty Paid (Line Status = Penalty Paid)
- Investment (Line Status = Investment)
- Investment Withdrawal (Line Status = Investment Withdrawal)
- Other 4 (Line Status Other 4)
- Other 5 (Line Status Other 5)
- Princ. (original) + Add. Princ. (Line Status) up to End Date entered
- Accrued interest from last Payment
- Date of last Pmt tagged as “Paid” (Line status = Paid Pmt, Paid Late Pmt, Partial Pmt, Partial Paid Pmt or Add. Pmt)
- Accrued interest – Year to date Paid interest – Year to date
- Minimum Payments (Total for the period)
- Next Due Minimum Payment
———-- Paid Interest (for the period) Paid
- Principal (for the period)
- Balance Due Principal
- Balance Due Interest
- Balance all other
- Doubtful Accounts (%)
- Doubtful Accounts (Date from Record)
- Doubtful Accounts (Balance from Record date)
- Doubtful Accounts (Balance from Report date)
- Bad Debt (Date) Bad Debt (Balance)
———-- APR – Total Principal + Total Cost (Interest + Fees)
- Comment may be added for each payment line directly in the Payment update tool.
- Record Attachment notification (paper clip image).
- In Record List (Customized) report, multiple CSV “pure” date formats and export to Excel with or without currency.
- Telephone number now in the Loan Summary window (main window) in order to sort by phone number
- Major database optimization for larger loan portfolios (1000-5000 Records)
- Borrower first and last names and company name in Record window header (for easier identification).
- One less step when saving and replacing a Record.
- Multiple other “behind the scenes” improvements and adjustments.
Version 1.4 – March 16, 2009
(1.4.090316.1)Version 1.4 includes mutiple new components the main ones being : custom reports, reports between two dates, invoice and statement module, new custom fields and read-only user
Changes and improvements since version 1.3:
- Nine (9) new customizable fields in Borrower (fields may be text, monetary, percentage, numerical or date)
- Document management – attach documents to a specific Record
- Read-only user
- Record access limited to own records if desired
- Data integrity tool that checks to see if line status is appropriate for a positive, negative or 0.00 payment
- Forced “Additional Principal” line status to be negative
- Custom invoices and statements (including tax reports – IRS 1098 for example)
- Reports:
- Reports for a user-defined period (monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc.) using start and end dates
- User-created custom Record lists that may be saved to Excel, CSV or TXT formats and then exported to third party software (accounting, pre authorized payment system, etc.)
- For detailed reports, system number now on each page for quick identification
- For invoices and statements and other data merges (RTF Editor) option to save as one RTF file, one RTF file with x number of records per page or multiple files (including system numbering)
- Balance = 0.00 not checked unless specifically checked by user
- Alt-2 shortcut to select, in the payments schedule, one line out of every two lines (to have payments only every second month for example)
- In the main MLM window (Record Summary window) and in the payments schedule, Alt-
shortcut to increase font size and Alt-
to reduce the size.
- Change of name from Actuarial Method to Effective Rate Method
- Multiple changes and adjustments from version 1.3
Version 1.3 – March 20, 2008
(1.3.080320.1)- Payment update tool
- Various adjustments from verison 1.1
Version 1.1 – May 25, 2007
(1.1.070525.1)- Release of the Margill Loan Manager
Release notes not available before 2007